
1 March 2024 – Health and well-being have become an integral part of the organisation in ensuring productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall success in achieving its goals and objectives. It is an area that CfBT is exploring this year, recognising the importance of fostering a supportive and healthy work environment for its employees.

Samuel Hyman, one of the Education Development Managers, organised a Tai Chi taster session for the staff on 1st March 2024, Friday.

“As soon as I heard that there was a focus on Health & Well-being, I jumped at the opportunity to deliver a taster session of Tai Chi. It is something I have done for many years regardless of where I have been employed – sessions in staff wellness programmes, ECAs for students, as well as regular weekly classes for adults in the community where I have lived at the time.”

Sam has been practising Tai Chi and related arts since he was 20 and in the final year of his degree course. He continued it for many years, getting accredited qualifications as an instructor and a performer and delivering classes in various cities across the UK.

“The benefits of practicing these Taoist Arts are many – for example, strength and suppleness, as well as helping to reduce the effects of stress and aid deeper sleep. It can give you the energy and increased focus that a person needs in day-to-day living.”


” The staff at CfBT enjoyed the session. This is important – it has to be fun! No one had done it before, so it was all a brand-new experience. I squeezed a lot of activities and movements in for a one-hour class, but it was meant to be a taster session. I hoped to provide just that – an introductory experience of what it all is. And maybe, a thirst for learning more!”