What’s it like to be a CfBT teacher in Brunei?
We understand that moving far away from home to start a new life and career is a big step. To answer some questions you may have, we interviewed some of our teachers and staff members for a window into the life of a CfBT teacher, both professionally and outside of work.

Q&A Interviews
Derek Fleming
I live in a very remote area and really enjoy the peace and beauty. I also like the people here who are uniformly friendly, polite and welcoming.
Helen D'Bouk
It’s a relaxing place within a beautiful natural environment: the greenery, vegetation, jungle, rivers and sea.
Tania Jo Murphy
Everything! I first came to Brunei for what I was convinced would be a “2 year experience”, but even after 18 years I have no intention of leaving anytime soon.
Tracy Wilson
The people, the food, the lifestyle. The people are friendly and accommodating, they are just as curious about your culture as you are of theirs.
Trevor Clements
The people are polite and friendly. It is a relaxed pace of life surrounded by beautiful tropical nature.
Samantha Herron
Brunei is a safe and welcoming country and I have never felt nervous or uncomfortable walking and exploring on my own, both during the day and at night.
Block D, Unit 5 & 6, Kiarong Complex
Lebuhraya Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah
Bandar Seri Begawan BE1318